Eduard Seibel - gained 15 kg

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"Since I started Herbalife, I've never been sick!"
I've been underweight since childhood. My sister called me "skeleton on batteries". My parents tried to calm me down, saying I would put on weight when I stopped growing. Since 16 I have weighed 62 kg, while my height was 182 cm. When I went to the beach, I was ashamed to get undressed, and even when it was very hot, I wore jeans instead of shorts. My thin legs were killing me.
I like to play basketball, but I always had strong knee pain during the game and after.

I was always crunching my teeth in sleep, and Mum was afraid I would lose all of them. I was also losing my hair and was afraid to become bald while I was still young. I was sick 4-5 times a year. I started smoking when I was 12 and was smoking 2 packs a day.

I have been using Herbalife products since May 2004. I have not been sick even once, though people around me have. I gave up smoking very easily. My hair is thick and shining again. I don't crunch my teeth and my knees don't hurt any more.

What gives me most satisfaction is the fact that I have gained 15 kg during my first three months of using the products! !Herbalife Weight Gain Diet

Gain Weight Before Gain Weight After</p>

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1 Comment

I just want to say thanks for a product that really does what the advert suggests. Refreshing, if not amazing, in these days of 'lets take the money and run'. After a lot of stress over the last couple of years (compounded by never having had a great appetite anyway) I struggled and failed to reach the magical (to me) weight of 11stn. I am six foot, so you can imagine no Charles Atlas. I am now 11stn 4 and have a great appetite. Small step for the average person, but means a great deal to me.

Actually, Herbalife is probably a must have supplement for older people, when appetites and exercise are not what they used to be.

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