Support Better Memory Health with Soy

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Unfortunately, aging is often accompanied with a natural decrease in memory. An aging senior once said, "Of all the things I miss the most, I miss my memory!" None of us should have to face the loss of our most precious moments.

Loss of estrogen after menopause may be partly responsible for this decrease in memory. Women in menopause humorously refer to memory lapses as "menopausal moments".

Several human clinical trials now suggest that soy may support a healthier memory. (Medical Reference 1-5) Memory support provided by soy may be due to the ability of soy isoflavones (key soy nutrients) to support nerve cell health via antioxidant mechanisms. (Medical Reference 6,7)

A newly published clinical trial, postmenopausal women 51 - 66 years old consumed 60 milligrams of isoflavones per day for 6 weeks. Soy consumption improved nonverbal short-term memory, mental flexibility and planning ability. Other studies have shown that soy supports memory in premenopausal women and men too.

Another study involving both women and men concluded, "Significant cognitive improvements can arise from a relatively brief dietary intervention, and the improvements from a high soy diet are not restricted to women or to verbal tasks."

More and more studies suggest that soy may be a smart dietary choice for anyone concerned about a healthy memory. A leading hospital is currently studying Revival Soy's impact on memory in postmenopausal women and in men.

In summary, support a healthy memory by eating an antioxidant-rich diet, including soy. Just 1 Revival Soy bar or shake gives you 160 milligrams of soy isoflavones and 16-20 grams of soy protein.

Soy Protein UK

1. File SE, Jarrett N, Fluck E, Duffy R, Casey K, Wiseman H. Eating soy improves human memory. Psychopharmacology 2001; 157:430-436.
2. File SE, Hartley DE, Elsabagh S, Duffy R, Wiseman H. Cognitive improvement after 6 weeks of soy supplements in postmenopausal women is limited to frontal lobe function. Menopause 2005; 12:193-201.
3. Duffy R, Wiseman H, File SE. Improved cognitive function in postmenopausal women after 12 weeks consumption of a soya extract containing isoflavones. Pharm Biochem Behav 2003; 75:721-729.
4. Celec P, Ostatnikova D, Caganova M, Zuchova S, Hodosy J, Putz Z, Bernadic M, Kudela M. Endocrine and cognitive effects of short-time soybean consumption in women. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 2005; 59:62-66.
5. Kritz-Silverstein D, von Muhlen D, Barrett-Connor E, Bressel MAB. Isoflavones and cognitive function in older women: the Soy and Postmenopausal Health In Aging (SOPHIA) study. Menopause 2003; 10:196-202.