Breakfast for Vegetarians

Eating the right breakfast is just as important to your health as eating breakfast.

All you ate yesterday consists of two major groups of elements. The first group supplies energy (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). The second group supplies building material (proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, microelements and many others)

Now here is the big question, what should vegetarians have for breakfast? Easy to have a bowl of cereal for breakfast? And then another later in the day?

But if you eat a breakfast which is full of carbohydrates you are giving your body sugar. By raising the blood sugar level your pancreas is "awakened" to produce more than normal insulin. This happens because the insulin removes the sugar from the blood and then turns it into fat. What now happens is that the insulin may remove to much blood sugar to rectify the process and your blood sugar level drops to below the level you woke up with this morning. You now experience hunger and weakness.

To overcome hunger you again now need simple carbohydrates (chocolates, sweets, pies, sausage rolls, sandwiches, cookies, doughnuts, fizz drinks, juices etc) which again raises your blood sugar level. Each sugar "injection" is followed by an insulin surge. This cycle repeats itself several times a day and you develop a dependency on carbohydrates. Wow and the food companies just love this dependency don't they. In fact they promote it because if they can get you starting with a breakfast loaded with carbohydrates, then they have got you eating carbohydrates for the rest of the day.

This cycle of carbohydrate dependence lets the pancreas over worked and weakened which means it is not able to produce the amount of insulin needed, which leads to you have guessed it diabetes which is the fastest growing lifestyle disease around the world.

Breakfast Options for Vegetarians